BIWOC Rising Photo

BIWOC Rising

BIWOC Rising Logo

Dresdener Str. 11
10999 Berlin

AN INTERSECTIONAL COWORKING SPACE AND MORE At BIWOC* Rising these are not simply buzzwords, but a way of life/or/work culture. We are building a strong/or/empowering sustainable community, that will create, in turn, safe spaces for the most vulnerable among us. As a first step, we make sure that the organizations, collectives and initiatives we work with, strive for social justice by setting an example themselves, i.e., are led by TIN*BIPoC/or/people from our marginalized communities. Together with them and our members, we lay the foundations for new structures that will lead to two key issues for a sustainable community: 1. financial independency, and 2. social participation.

BIWOC Rising Website